7 Keys to Success
There are Seven keys to unlocking success door, insert the wrong keys and the double doors to the Kingdom of success won't open.

Bret Martin's story.
Bret Martin owned one of the largest mortgage brokerage banks in America and sold it in December of 2006 and got out just before the mortgage/real-estate crash in 2007, 2008 and 2009.
As the CEO and Founder of Mom-and-Pop Business Funding Bret went on to become the #1 producer of all time in the Merchant Cash Advance industry, personally closing over 25,000 Merchant Cash Advances by September of 2009 (which was less than 3 years from when he started in the industry).​
At his peak last 11 months, Bret and his six executive assistants were closing over 800 loans a month on average and climbing.
Bret used his 7 Keys to Success daily to run his businesses and to produce his volume and become the #1 producer of all time in the Merchant Cash Advance industry.
...and Bret has successfully used his 7 Keys to Success over and over
again to accomplish having trained over 163,000 men and women called ISO Partners who have joined Mom-and-Pop Business Funding, thus the reason why Mom and Pop Business Funding has gone on to become one of the largest most trusted name brands and platforms in the Merchant Cash Advance industry.
These 7 Keys to success if used daily,
....will change your life for the positive forever.
You have my word on this,
Sincerely and respectfully,
Bret Martin
Ready to Succeed?
7 Keys to Success

Set a Goal
("GOAL" is defined as follows- the object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result).
Make A Plan on how to reach the goal.
("PLAN" is defined as follows- a detailed proposal for doing or achieving something).
Ask yourself a Question...
Do you believe in the plan?
("QUESTION" is defined as follows- a sentence worded or expressed so as to draw out information).
Put the plan in action
("ACTION" is defined as follows- the fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim).
Don't deviate from the Plan
("DEVIATE is defined as follows- depart from an established course).
If/when you deviate from the plan,
...put the plan back in action.
Take the time to relish in, and enjoy accomplishing your goal, to feel a SENSE of Fulfillment
(when you watch a tribe after having had a successful day of hunting, they always have a ritualistic dance around the fire as a sign of enjoyment for having accomplished their goal).
Have your "Dance" get your flesh get to the feeling of enjoying your accomplishments!